Virgin 2: Bukan Film Porno [2009]

Release Date:28 May 2009
Origin :Indonesia
Genre: Drama
Director :Nayato Fio Nuala
Starring:Joanna Alexandra, Christina Santika, Wichita Satari, Smitha Anjani, Neyna Lisa Bartlett, Yama Carlos

About the friendship of the daughter's two adolescents Tina and Nadya that fell to the dark profession that necessarily was not carried out by them in their age. Adolescence not the matter that was easy for them. The friendship must be often paid expensively, and was ended by the tragic death, precisely when they wanted to change his life road.

Tina (Christina Santika, 16 th), beforehand a SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL student with the indifferent and quieter identity, he only had one mute friend named Kenny (Neyna Lisa Bartlett), Kenny mute resulting from suicide efforts that failed and resulted in his vocal cords being broken. Tina was expelled by Ms him because of being accused of tempting the sweetheart Ms him. The fact is, the sweetheart Ms him that wanted to fondle Tina. Tina tried to defend himself, but Ms him more emphasised the existence of his relations with the sweetheart. After the incident, Tina lost the sheltering place, he met his friend named Steffie (Wichita Satari). Steffi showed how kind him as a friend. Tina be toucheded by Steffi's magnanimity that wanted to accommodate him. But all that of only lies completely, because of Steffi sold Tina to a pimp who was named Yama. Tina was imprisoned in an apartment, was raped by Yama and was afterwards forced to serve clients Yama. Till finally Tina found one opportunity to run from Yama. In the process of refugees so finally Tina met Nadya.

Nadya (Joanna Alexandra, 19 th), was professional as a Jockey Disc. Nadya was expelled by his parents just because of being found out was pregnant by Raymond (Ramon Y Tungka), an adolescent who was the illegal drugs port. After Raymond was arrested by police, Nadya lived with his friend who was named Mitha (Smitha Anjani, 19 th). Mitha cultivated the Nadya spirit after was remained Raymond, they were friendly since SMA. Namun love Mitha a heavy addict, who finally more had chosen illegal drugs, than his friend of Nadya.

Tina's meeting with Nadya, made them complement each other to one another. Tina felt Tina found someone who changed his view about the life. Nadya also felt Nadya found someone who loved him, and wanted to understand himself, of a true friend. Moreover that was needed in living outside the family, apart from the friend that mengerti…! Many matters were done by them together. From beginning remained, until being forced to sell the honour, because they needed money many to rescue Mitha as a result of his debt that was big must be to the illegal drugs port, even resulting from the torturing that was suffered by Mitha, his hands amputated. Mitha terbaring in the comma situation, as their friend must be ready to carry out any including taking the bypass, carried out goodness by means of bad, definitely must be ready reaped as a result. Nadya experienced had a miscarriage and the great bleeding as far as him died. While Tina that tried to look for help, even was found by Yama. It was re-that Yama tortured Tina through to bruised. Tina has not been again strong, in ketidak berdayaan finally Tina found courage to oppose, and Tina ended Yama rudeness. But, Tina could not rescue Nadya, like also he could not rescue Kenny that chose menabrakkan himself to the car and died, than the life in protracted pain.



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