Anak Ajaib [2008]

Release Date :11 December 2008
Origin :Indonesia
Genre :Comedy
Director : Tjandra Warasto
Starring: Bio-One, El Manik, Vanessa Hinkel, Keisha Ratuliu, Aimee Juliete, Ray Sahetapy, Leilas Ari

Synopsis : Once Rizky, 10 years, dreamed he was in the jungle met a group of robber who wanted to kill his school friend, Amanda. After the dream of many strange matters approached Rizky, but Rizky had not realised that. Through to once at the time in laboraturium when he was wrong to mix the ingredients, suddenly he think to stop and all of them suddenly freeze instantly, but Rizky felt that only by chance

Mr. Muktar this principal, invited one of the experts in the famous scientist Prof.Adnan to become one of the speakers in his school. Here Prof. Adnan spoke about six sense, The give that was given by God. After hearing the explanation from Prof. Adnan, Rizky felt that he had the six sense. Prof Adnan felt this inconsistency and felt in that school had a student who had six sense like that he discussed, but Mr Muktar did not trust him.

Rizky heard that his parents will be separated. Rizky often used his strength secretly including to prevent his parents's divorce.

Will Rizky use his strength wisely? Prof Adnan will know keleihan Rizky? Is there the intention behind his curiosity?


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