Sarang Kuntilanak [2008]

Release Date:4 September 2008
Origin : Indonesia
Genre: Horror
Director :Ian Jacobs
Starring:Zidni Adam Zawas, Ayu Andhika, Elena Lubis, Ikbal Azhari, Diah Cempaka Sari, Renni Umary

Synopsis:A group of student who consisted of Norman, Martha, Vero and Willy was interested making a film documentary as the task of the lecture. Their target was a most foreign and mysterious village named the Kalimati Village. It seems, all the inhabitant of the village was found was killed sadistically in the last 20 years. His cause until currently stayed never clear. However the village community believed the Kalimati Village was stricken by the curse by Kanjeng Nyai Roro Kidul.

Vivian, the lecturer forbade them to go to the Kalimati Village on the basis of the safety. But they continued to force and depart there. Many strange matters happened there, to the end they decided to come home because of results of the documentation of this village already more than enough. Before coming home, secretly Vero took a necklace that he found in the juicy lakeside clear.

Upon arrival at the city, Norman and other one by one experienced the horrifying invisible incident. The sad surprise must be then borne by Norman because of the Martha noose in fact only souls then. Until they realised the only method of stopping the invisible terrorism was to return the necklace to his place originally. And their trip at this time was the safety, or … the death that looked for them.

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