Mad About English [2008]

Release Date : 7 August 2008
Origin : Singapore
Genre: Documentary
Director :Lian Pek
Starring:Dr David Tool, Li Yang, Jason Yang, Qi Qi, WenLi Liu

Synopsis : Have you ever seen 10,000 students learning English from one teacher – all at the same time? Have you ever met a detective whose mission impossible is to arrest bad grammar? Or encountered a 74 year-old retiree who thinks nothing of ambushing foreigners on the streets just so he can practice his English? Or heard a Chinese policeman speak English in a New York Bronx accent?

If you haven't, catch Mad About English! - the amazing story of 1,000,000,000 people and their MAD MAD MAD rush to learn English! As the clock ticks down to next month's Olympics, China 's love affair with the English language has reached feverish proportions. With half a million or more visitors descending on Beijing for the Games, can the Chinese pull it off with their newly-acquired English? Mad About English! follows the inspiring and heart-warming efforts of a city preparing to host the world by learning a once-forbidden tongue.


I doubt that the motivation of most of the mainland Chinese to learn English is to accommodate "foreigners".

Going by the attitudes of the interviewees in this documentary alone, foreigners (read Westerners) are routinely treated as a laughing stock.

Check out Li Yang's pep talk to the gathered students - isn't his attitude towards Westerners more than a little demeaning?

Also, David Tool's reference to himself and other Westerners as "laowai" is a pathetic example of him letting the team down. I am not a "laowai", I'm a Westerner. To be referred by some nickname which simply means "outsider" is offensive, not just to me, but to any self-respecting Westerner.

Indeed, this documentary shows us the ugly side of the Chinese attitude towards the West.

How come no links for download???confuse.

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